Concatenate List(Of T) with Func Delegate

 الكود التالي يوضح كيف نضيف مصفوفة إلي مصفوفة أخري

  Public Function ConcatenateList(Of T)(first As List(Of T), second As List(Of T)) As T()

       Dim concatenate As Func(Of List(Of T), List(Of T), T()) = Function(As List(Of T), As List(Of T))
                                                                     Dim result As T() = New T(X.Count Y.Count 1) {}
                                                                     For i As Integer 0 To X.Count 1
(i) = X(i)
                                                                      For j 
As Integer 0 To Y.Count 1
(X.Count j) = Y(j)
                                                                      Return result
       Return concatenate(firstsecond)
   End Function


        ' Use it as string list
        Dim l1 As List(Of String) = New List(Of String) From {"Omar", "Amr"}
        Dim l2 As List(Of String) = New List(Of String) From {"Sherief", "Ahmed", "Omar"}

        ' do something with the array
        Dim l3 As String() = ConcatenateList(Of String)(l1, l2)

        ' ---------------------------------------------------

        ' Use it as integer list
        Dim int1 As List(Of Integer) = New List(Of Integer) From {10, 20, 30}
        Dim int2 As List(Of Integer) = New List(Of Integer) From {40, 50, 60}
        Dim int3 As Integer() = ConcatenateList(Of Integer)(int1, int2)

        ' do something with the array
        For Each i As Integer In int3


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